
Our mission is to bring greater awareness to Childhood Cancer especially Ewing’s Sarcoma Cancer, which is one of the rarest forms of childhood cancer. Our mission for is inspired by 9 year old Tommy Wainwright, cousin of Krebs CJDR Sales Manager Amanda Pietrone, and his courageous current battle with Ewing’s Sarcoma. Every year Krebs CJDR chooses a month to raise awareness and support by coming together with our Krebs Family of customers and friends to truly make a difference in the world. We want to take Tommy’s example of strength and determination and make his wish of helping other kids like him, through his #Tommystrong and Tommy’s Army initiative, fight their cancer too! The journey through childhood cancer is a very hard road, and we want to help provide assistance to these children and families so that they can focus on their child and their treatments. Not enough government funding is being used to support Childhood Cancer and we hope to inspire others to work with us to make a change and make a difference. Tommy has inspired us all, in every day of his battle, to come together and beat childhood cancer!! Together we are #TommyStrong!

We’re proud partners in the community with:

Facts About Tommy’s Cancer: Ewing Sarcoma

• What is sarcoma?
A sarcoma is a malignant tumor made of connective tissues
• Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In extreme cases, a limb may need to be salvaged in order to prevent the spread of cancer. Radiotherapy may also be used
• About 70% of children with non-metastatic Ewing Sarcoma survive

• The survival rate for children diagnosed after their disease has spread is less than 24%

• As a child ages, the survival rate decreases. Teens aged 15-19 have lower survival rate—roughly 56%

• Children whose tumors are larger or located in the pelvis, ribs or spine are less likely to be cured.
• There are only 200 cases diagnosed yearly in the world

• Fewer than 1000 US cases are diagnosed per year

• Ewing Sarcoma is the 2nd most commonly diagnosed form of primary bone cancer in both children and young adults

Facts About Childhood Cancer

• More children are lost to cancer in the US than any other disease
• Less than 4% of the National Cancer Institute’s annual budget for cancer research is dedicated to childhood cancer
• There are 12 Types of childhood cancer, and more than 100 subtypes
• Leukemia, lymphoma, and brain tumors are some of the most common cancers found in children
• Because of advances in science, more than 80% of children with cancer now survive five years or more
• Each year in the US, an estimated 15,780 kids ages 0-19 are diagnosed with cancer
• Approximately 1 in 258 children in the US will be diagnosed with cancer before their 20th birthday
• Globally there are more than 300,000 children diagnosed with cancer each year
• 20% of children with cancer in the US will not survive it
• Every 3 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer

• Cancer is the number 1 cause of death by disease for children in America



For more information on how you can join us in raising awareness for Childhood Caner during the month of July, contact us at Krebs Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, Gibsonia, PA 724.444.8000 ext 2118. Krebs CDJR is accepting donation throughout the month of July. ALL PROCEEDS Benefit Children’s Hospital. Blood Drive by appointment, Walk-ins welcome based on availability. See dealership for schedule and registration.

Krebs Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM 40.637413, -79.939192.